International Shipping from / to Australia
Shipping to Australia
Australia as a whole is a very easy country to ship to, be it a small package or large cargo shipments of goods from a manufacturing plant. Being an island, there are a plethora of ports that can take your shipments if you choose to ship by sea such as Albany to the West and Brisbane to the East. Just make sure that before you ship your goods via an ocean cargo carrier that you have all the necessary paperwork filed and ready for when it gets to port. This will ensure that there is no hold up of your items to get into the country officially and dispersed to the proper parties.
Customs in Australia
The Customs and Border Protection is the organization that regulates which goods get into Australia and which are held or denied access to the country. You can contact them or go on their web site to get an up to date list of what is acceptable and what is not under Commonwealth Law so you know before you ship whether you need additional documentation or permits of any kind before you ship something.
Tracking your shipping to Australia
It is a good idea to have some sort of tracking system attached to your package or goods when shipping anywhere in the world, and Australia is no exception to that advice. The tracking system is typically a number or bar code (sometimes both) that is noted as your package or item passes through different ports and finally reaches its destination. Most all tracking systems are digital so you can easily watch your packages progress on line through your shipping company’s web site. Contact your shipping company for more details though as each company’s individual tracking system is a bit different from one another even though the end result is the same: you are able to know when you package or goods arrive safely where you intended it to.
Australia has International Shipping to: Abbot Point, Adelaide, Albany, Alice Springs, Ardrossan, Ballina, Bankstown, Bell Bay, Bowen, Brisbane, Brisbane International, Broome, Broome International, Bunbury, Bundaberg, Burnie, Cairns, Canberra, Cape Cuvier, Carnarvon, Catherine Hill Bay, Coffs Harbour, Cooktown, Dampier, Darwin, Darwin International, Devonport, Devonport - Tasmania, Eden, Esperance, Exmouth, Fremantle, Geelong, Geelong - Avalon, Geraldton, Gladstone, Gove, Hobart, Hobart International - Tasmania, Ipswich, Kingscote, Kurnell, Kwinana, Launceston, Lucinda, Mackay, Maryborough, Melbourne, Melbourne - Moorabbin, Melbourne International, Mourilyan, Mt Waverley, Mulgrave, Newcastle, Newcastle, Perth, Perth International, Port Adelaide, Port Alma, Port Arthur, Port Augusta, Port Bonython, Port Hedland, Port Kembla, Port Latta, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Portland, Rapid Bay, Rockhampton, Roma, Sale, Stanley, Strahan, Sydney, Sydney International, Thevenard, Thursday Island, Townsville, Townsville International, Urangan, Useless Loop, Wallaroo, Weipa, Whyalla, Wyndham
International Shipping Message Board:
- International shipping from Sydney to Hong Kong
Hi, my company will need to establish a new branch office in Hong Kong possibly beginning of 2013. Thus, there are some supplies that need to be shipped to Hong Kong from Sydney, Australia. There will be approx. twelve Mac to be shipped which need ...
- Containerized International shipping to Australia
I am processing an order that will require containerized international shipping to Australia to complete. The company that I am employed, is located near Bremen, Germany. So access to a port terminal is not a problem. However, we need to have the shi ...
- International auto shipping Australia
Hi there. I am in need of some help with an up coming shipment to Sydney, Australia. The shipment will be of fifteen cars and they will be shipping from Port Elizabeth in South Africa, headed to Sydney to go in our new location there. This being a ...